We knew that we had a big job on our hands when we bought the boat. The "new" bottom paint was rough, gummy, falling off, and not anti-fouling. We had refinished the keel and the rudder when we received the boat so we knew we were looking at a nasty job.
We decided to pressure wash as much as possible off and then do a chemical stripper rather than sanding for days (or weeks). It was a bit of a gamble but it paid off.
It came off great except for some mystery paint on the stern that appeared to be a mix of vinyl paint and barrier coat. The tan coat is the factory barrier coat layer. The haul was quite fair. Nice work Sydney Yachts! You never know what you are going to find when you start peeling back decades of paint...
Finally we applied a few coats of new barrier coat, sanded, and applied Black Widow racing paint and sanded, and sanded, and sanded, and sanded.
Ok, it's time to GET ON YOUR BIKES AND RIDE!