Mako made it back to Olympia on Friday August 12th and was greeted by friends and family at the dock. Mako made great time on the return. If there were a race back the the PNW Mako would have surely won having passed bigger boats that left before her. This update should have been posed long ago but we've been busy catching our breaths from this amazing adventure as well as catching up on quality time with our families!
Mako returned to the salish sea after 15 days of mostly upwind sailing. The Pacific High, which is a weather phenomenon that usually forms in the summer months and dominates the northern Pacific weather patterns, was not as far south or as stable during our return. This meant we had to sail south of it which was all upwind. Mako was quite comfortable with the situation, handling the waves with ease under autopilot and a conservative sail setup. The crew however did find the constant heel angle tiring.
Some highlights included seeing bioluminescent illuminated dolphins, tuna chasing flying fish right out of the water, epic sunsets, eating fresh caught Mahi mahi, and steering by the stars. Some challenges included several mainsail repairs, the ineffectiveness of salt saturated Gore tex at keeping our bottoms dry, and sailing in the nighttime squalls the first few nights. This was especially so to those that joined in Hawaii and were just getting used to open ocean sailing.
All in all a successful return with good people.
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Check out the dolphin escort!